Before you take off on a motorcycle ride with a passenger, it is important to review Ohio’s laws. These regulations can help you and your passengers stay safe and avoid legal issues. Ohio sets clear guidelines for motorcycle riders and passengers. These rules cover seating, permit requirements and the use of helmets. Seating requirements If …
Do Motorcycle Airbags Work?
Motorcycles are incredibly vulnerable on roadways. Not only are they small and difficult to see, which can easily lead to accidents, but they also offer no protection to riders. Severe injuries and even death are common for riders in accidents. Recent inventions seek to help protect riders with wearable airbags. The innovation could save lives …
Are Self-Driving Cars a Threat to Illinois Motorcyclists?
Autonomous vehicles are a reality. While they are still going through rigorous testing, they will probably be on the roads in the not-too-distant future. When that happens, people will have questions. Laws will change. Insurance will change. The people behind these will need to address liability concerning autonomous vehicles. People who choose to use operator-driven …
Should Motorcyclists Wear Bright Clothing?
When car drivers hit a motorcyclist, they often complain they did not see them. In 2019, the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA) looked at ways to reduce the number of motorcyclists killed or injured on US roads. As part of their work, they investigated why more motorcyclists do not use clothes that increase visibility. …
Motorcycle Safety Must be a Priority for Teenage Riders
For many teens, a motorcycle feels like the ultimate form of transportation. It costs much less than a car. Teens really only need to ride around with one person anyway. Plus, there’s the “cool” factor, where a bike will make them stand out to their friend group if everyone else has older cars. It’s also …
Fatal Motorcycle Accidents Decrease But Are Still a High Risk
Deaths among motorcyclists dropped by 5% during 2018, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Yet, the risk of being killed while riding a motorcycle remained higher than for driving a car. A 2017 report found motorcyclists were 28 times more likely to be killed than other road users. These are some of …
Thinking of Buying a Motorcycle? Put Some Money Aside for Safety
If you have been dreaming of buying a motorcycle for years, but never got around to it, dealers believe now is their best chance to tempt you. If you have been locked indoors, there is nothing that screams freedom more than revving the throttle and cruising onto the open roads, away from the crowds in …
Has Motorcycle Awareness Month Come Too Late in Ohio?
What’s tough on the outside and soft and squishy on the inside? Answer: a motorcyclist. This is one of the slogans released as part of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, a nationwide campaign that takes place each May. For some in Ohio, it has come too late. Police figures show over 1,900 motorcyclists have already suffered …
How In-Car Technology Can Make The Roads Safer For Motorcyclists?
If you drive a car as well as ride a motorcycle, you may wonder why some car drivers fail to see motorcyclists. When you drive your car, you notice motorcyclists all around you. Besides, most cars have built-in safety systems that beep whenever you get near to something. So why is it that car drivers …
Motorcycle Tips for Staying Safe on The Roads
Just got a new motorcycle and ready to cruise the Ohio backroads? Here are a few tips to help keep you safe along the way. Get a helmet. Get a helmet. Get a helmet. In Ohio, motorcyclists under the age of 18 or those holding a “novice” license are by law required to wear a …