The weather here in Ohio is finally settling down and getting warmer. A lot of folks will naturally try to take advantage of the spring thaw to get out a little bit — and they may have their dogs with them. While most dog owners are perfectly responsible “pet parents,” there are always a few …
Dog Breeds at Higher Risk of Becoming Aggressive
Countless Ohio residents love dogs. But not all are the cute, fluffy and playful animals social media can make them out to be. Depending on their breed and level of training, some dogs can be dangerous and violent creatures. Sadly, people who come into contact with a vicious dog could face severe medical consequences. Some …
Dogs Can Become Aggressive for Many Reasons and You Could Suffer
You may consider yourself a dog person. You may have had dogs growing up or have one as an adult. You likely have also done your best to teach your children that dogs can pose dangers as well as be friendly. Still, it is important to understand that a strange dog or even your own …